If you encounter an issue where your Call of Duty Mobile Shells voucher code shows as already used, follow these steps to resolve the problem:
- Double-Check the Code. Ensure that you have entered the code correctly. Look out for any typos or extra spaces.
- Verify Your Account. Make sure you are logged into the correct Call of Duty Mobile account where you intend to redeem the voucher.
- Check Previous Purchases. Review your purchase history to confirm if you have already redeemed the voucher.
- Contact Codashop Support. If you are sure the code has not been used by you, contact Codashop support for assistance here. Provide the following details to expedite the resolution:
- Error screenshot
- Screenshot of the voucher code
- Garena/Call of Duty Mobile UID
- Garena Call of Duty Mobile Username:
Click here to learn how to Redeem your Garena Shells Call of Duty Mobile voucher code.