If you see Error 704 while making a purchase, it means your bank or card provider has declined the transaction. You shouldn’t be charged for this attempt. If you have any concerns, contact your bank or card provider.
Important Reminders for Card Payments on Codashop Philippines:
Avoid Using VPN: Ensure you’re not using a VPN during the transaction.
Use Philippine-Based Cards: Only cards issued in the Philippines work. You must also be in the Philippines to complete the transaction.
Double-Check Card Details: Ensure you enter the correct card number, expiration date, CVC, and OTP code.
Limit Attempts: Multiple attempts can result in your card being blocked. If blocked, try again the next day.
Clear Browser Cookies: Clear your browser’s cookies before trying again.
If the issue persists, contact us through this form. Provide the following details:
- Phone number used during the purchase
- The last 4 digits of your card
- Email address used during the purchase
- Product or item you were trying to purchase
- Screenshot of proof of payment
Once you submit this information, we will investigate and provide details about your transaction.