If you are having an issue when redeeming your Tinder voucher code, please ensure that you have followed the terms and conditions below:
Voucher Terms and Conditions: |
- One-time-use only. The voucher cannot be redeemed multiple times.
- Geo-restricted. You can only redeem the code within the country of the voucher purchased.
- Subscription Restricted. The voucher cannot be redeemed if a member has an active subscription. In some cases, the code cannot be redeemed if a member has had an active subscription within the last 30-60 days.
- Account Restriction. Once a member attempts to redeem a code, it is tied to their account, regardless of whether it was successfully redeemed, and no other member will be able to redeem it.
- Voucher Validity Period. Once you have the Tinder voucher code, you can redeem it immediately or up to 30 days after purchase.
The following list is an explanation of the error code that may appear when you have problems redeeming the voucher:
Error Codes Upon Redemption: |
- Ineligible to redeem code.
- You have an active subscription within the restricted time frame
- You already redeemed the voucher code
- You redeem the voucher code outside of the geo-restricted region
- Not eligible to use this promo code.
- You have an active subscription within the past 30 days. Please try to redeem the code once the 30-day period is over
- OOPS. Unable to redeem code.
- There is a server error, in which case we recommend the member attempt to redeem the code 24 hours later.
- Someone attempts to redeem a code that another member has already attempted (but failed) to redeem.
- This code has already been redeemed.
- The voucher code has already been redeemed.
- The voucher code has already been redeemed.
- The code is no longer valid.
- The voucher code is expired. The redemption cap has already been met.
- The voucher code is expired. The redemption cap has already been met.
- OOPS. You already have an active subscription. Try again later
- Subscription restriction is applied, you cannot redeem the voucher code because you still have an active subscription. You can try to redeem the voucher code once your subscription is inactive.