If you have entered the code correctly but you are still having problems or receiving the error code below, please follow these steps:
If you receive this error code, it indicates that either the download code has expired or the content for which you are attempting to redeem the download code has not yet been officially released for purchase on the Nintendo eShop. Different software titles may become available at different times of day on their release dates. You can determine if the game or downloadable content is available for purchase by checking the game's page on the Nintendo Switch Nintendo eShop. If it is available for purchase, then the download code should be redeemable for the content, unless it has expired. A Nintendo Switch Online membership prepaid card can be redeemed in the Nintendo eShop for the country where it was purchased. |
Please recheck the code you are entering and make sure that you are entering the correct one. If the error continues, this may indicate a delay in activating certain cards. Please wait 24 hours before trying again. |
This error code indicates multiple input errors. Please wait a short time before trying to redeem the download code again. |
If all of the workarounds above didn't work for the redemption issue you are facing, please kindly contact our CS team here.